Today is Day 4 of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and toady’s perspective is slightly different because it brings up an unique perspective. Today I’m not going to write it myself. Today I want share an interesting article from the NO MORE organization. No matter how much we talk about sexual assault the violence that occurs from it, and pain that the victim endures, I cannot begin to feel the pain nor hear the pain from a victim/survivor’s voice who is silent.
In this article titled Gallaudet University Students Say NO MORE Silencing Deaf Voices, NO MORE Staff 04.03.15, the author speaks of the perils, and shortcomings of system (medical) and how it adds yet another mountain to climb when an attack has happened.
“the support system for Deaf survivors is lacking. The few hotlines available for Deaf people are only operated between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, but violence does not take a break after business hours or on weekends. Shelters and crisis centers lack adequate resources for Deaf individuals. Communication with a sexual assault and domestic violence resources is a strenuous process if one does not have a videophone, or access to on-call interpreters. In an emergency room setting, it generally takes up to 5 hours for a Deaf patient to receive an interpreter, and by then the damage and severity of the abuse could have increased.”
I know as each moment, hour, and day that go by some of you will continue not to acknowledge this horrendous crime against another person. What you all will continue to do is to live your lives until an attack is right in front of you, then you wake up. Give someone a voice that will not be silent, because you will speak for him or her.

Written by Dora, Goddess Armor Protection, April 2015