Goddess Armor Protection

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As your Safety Goddess I’m still assisting my clients with their self defense needs whether it’s for a stun gun, pepper spray, weapon carry bags and personal safety devices. Many of my clients have been use to seeing us at special events and gun shows but many of those venues have been cancelled for the next month or so. What does that mean to you and your family? it just means you can continue to shop with us online or find us on Facebook/InstaGram where from time to time I post items that I have on hand and can be shipped to you as well. My service to you stays the same although we are no longer face to face.

How can we best serve you and your defense needs? If you’re looking for a particular item(s) that’s not listed on the website be sure to send us an item description and picture and I’ll be sure to try and locate the item for you. If you would like Goddess Armor Protection to show you products online, we can also host a messenger party.

We’re always close by: FB Goddess Armor Protection and Kali’s Den


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