Goddess Armor Protection

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So many times we take for granted that children know everything (that’s what tell us). But let’s not be fooled by the words that they speak or their actions. As parents/care givers you need to take the lead and show the child the path. If you don’t take the lead, trust and believe there’s some wack-a-doodle out there just waiting in the background to take your child and do do unspeakable things to them. Your child is not immuned to the chaos and depravity  of the world. Here are two sites to look at. I’ve also included a link to my Child Internet Safety KitIntellispy Computer Tracking Software

Here you’ll find helpful information about abduction, common tricks, and empowering messaging to share with your kids. Download the tip sheets and a going out checklist to role-play and practice safety. Use the fun, printable activities for kids to reinforce the 4 Rules of Personal Safety.

Traffick911 is a team of passionate people driven to free youth from sex trafficking

Be safe and keep the children safer

Goddess Armor Protection


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