NEW Product Announcement
ImI superexcisupe to announce a new product to the Goddess Amor Protection inventory. Mace brand has realeased an alll new pepper spray. The KeyGuard Carabiner Pepper Spray is a key ring and pepper spray rolled into one. The key ring makes it easy to carry your keys and pepper spray. This baby comes in […]
Highlighting Item of the Week
Here at Goddess Armor Protection I want to introduce everyone to various items that I carry in my inventory. Many time customers want to know everything about about an item before they invest their money. That’s understandable because their safety is at hand and we want them to feel safe with their purchase. On my […]
What Does Your Safetty Mean?
Why is it that you only think about your safety when something happens? Take bake your power now with self defense products sold by Goddess Armor Protection
I want some pepper spray

How many times have wondered where can I purchase some pepper spray, and whose going to provide excellent customer follow up to you after the sale? Honestly, there are many other sites where you spend your money. But I guarantee when you shop with G.A. […]
the effects are long lasting
No one should have to endure the pain or effects of rape. Will you take a stance against all that’s wrong. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Listen, be a friend, and report rapes Goddess Armor Protection
My Child is Safe or Are They

It’s Spring break, March Madness, sleep time for kids…… But it’s also time for parents/guardians to set up the game plan when it comes to knowing what’s going on the life of your child. You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be inserted in their life. What does inserted mean, it […]
How are your parenting skills
So many times we take for granted that children know everything (that’s what tell us). But let’s not be fooled by the words that they speak or their actions. As parents/care givers you need to take the lead and show the child the path. If you don’t take the lead, trust and believe there’s some […]