NEW Product Announcement
ImI superexcisupe to announce a new product to the Goddess Amor Protection inventory. Mace brand has realeased an alll new pepper spray. The KeyGuard Carabiner Pepper Spray is a key ring and pepper spray rolled into one. The key ring makes it easy to carry your keys and pepper spray. This baby comes in […]
Season Changes
As the season changes into a wonderful Spring, we were also ushered into April the month Sexual Assault Awareness. Many people don’t want or like to talk about this crime but we should. When we know someone has been assaulted be a friend and lend an ear.
Highlighting Item of the Week
Here at Goddess Armor Protection I want to introduce everyone to various items that I carry in my inventory. Many time customers want to know everything about about an item before they invest their money. That’s understandable because their safety is at hand and we want them to feel safe with their purchase. On my […]
Did you participate in the Black Friday Madness? Like many shoppers I’m sure you did. You trampled over one another in the big box stores at some ungodly hour. How did that make you feel, right after giving thanks for all everything that you were blessed with on Thanksgiving. Now that madness is hours over, […]
Ain’t No Lions and Tigers Here
When you go to the zoo you see all the cute panda beers, all elegant giraffes and maybe you’ll see all the colorful birds in the birds in the birdhouse. But if you look deeper into the green jungle you’ll see the snow leopards, the snakes and all of the other animals that make the zoo […]