A stupid stun gun
In today’s world there is much happening that people try and live their life in a bubble. Living in bubble maybe suitable for some, but for the majority of people that’s not possible. People sometime choose to live in fear because they feel there’s no other alternative. There’s always an alternative and that’s to TAKE […]
College campus CHL
Laws are constantly changing as well as what people think about the concealed handgun license (CHL). Read what some college campuses are saying about having CHL on campus. Post your insight or insight as well. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=fa21df86-2716-48b5-a0b2-8ce225d1fbfa&c=ef5e31a0-325a-11e3-b722-d4ae5292b9a6&ch=eff3bae0-325a-11e3-b775-d4ae5292b9a6