NEW Product Announcement
ImI superexcisupe to announce a new product to the Goddess Amor Protection inventory. Mace brand has realeased an alll new pepper spray. The KeyGuard Carabiner Pepper Spray is a key ring and pepper spray rolled into one. The key ring makes it easy to carry your keys and pepper spray. This baby comes in […]
I want some pepper spray

How many times have wondered where can I purchase some pepper spray, and whose going to provide excellent customer follow up to you after the sale? Honestly, there are many other sites where you spend your money. But I guarantee when you shop with G.A. […]
the effects are long lasting
No one should have to endure the pain or effects of rape. Will you take a stance against all that’s wrong. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Listen, be a friend, and report rapes Goddess Armor Protection
Be Ready to Defend Yourself
Today, I want to share a video clip that I came across today. On a routine basis I talk with women about taking a self defense class.And often I hear women say they aren’t ready to take a class or they are real hesitant because they think they’re not in shape. There are many reasons […]
Safety In Stilettos

He snatched out the car by my hair He punched me in the face I talked back I didn’t have dinner made I told him I didn’t want to have sex with him She got robbed at the gas station I went on a walk in the park I’m safe in my hotel room, but […]
Every Victory Counts
Live isn’t easy and as the saying goes nothing is promised to you. Get off your backside and make a change in your life for the better. Are you over weight thinking that dropping a pill for three days is going to help you drop 15lbs in 7 days, are you wishing that you had […]
Goddess Armor Protection Anniversary Sale
Can you believe Goddess Armor Protection is a year old? From the I sought to bring the best training, and self defense/home defense products to my clients. It’s been awesome to build a bushiness that seeks to help so many. So I want to pass this on to you with a great SALE. From now […]
Don’t Live In Fear
Goddess Armor Protection Day 15 Sexual Assault Awareness Month So often in our day-to-day life we take for granted your safe, and we will have no issues. But what lurks outside of our own boundaries is still a world of chaos and uncertainty. This is not to say we should be paranoid, or that we […]