When was the last time you heard the word NO? When was the last time your life changed in a matter of minutes? Life is full of uncertainties, but one thing I can say without a shadow of doubt is Don’t Put Your Hands On Me……. because I’m coming back you. I’m by no means an advocate of fighting or invading someone else’s space. However, what everyone needs to understand is that your space is your space. When you feel threatened you have the right to put your hands on that person to defend yourself at all cost. You need to act like your life depended on it.
By now you should be aware that this month is April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. What does that mean to general public? It means bringing more awareness to an ongoing epidemic of sexual assaults, sexual brutality and the injustice that SURVIVORS have to endure. Every minute someone, usually a woman is sexually assaulted. The bad part of the situation is that the rapist is sometimes that one person that the woman already has in her life. Now that’s not a mark against the woman, it’s a known fact. Yes, there are rapists that rape women that they don’t know, but for the most part the rapist goes after the ones they know. Being attacked and raped by someone you know is very emotional, mentally challenging, and brings with it a state of confusion.
What can you do to get out of a situation? You bite, punch, poke, kick, scratch. Yes, I hear you, the attacker told you to be quite, don’t fight me or I’m kill you, told you it’s worse for them, or they said you better not say anything afterwards. Now these words are indeed threatening words to hear, but what I want to say is this. When was the last time you shut when someone told you to shut up? I would gamble to say not many. Someone doesn’t have the right to come into your life and put their hands on you, disrespect you, nor alter your life. You need to fight back like there’s no tomorrow. There’s no right or wrong way to defend your life. You just have to FIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELF. Let them know you mean business. Enroll yourself in a self defense class or take a specific martial arts class. Remember, something is better than nothing.
Goddess Armor Protection teaches self defense as well as sells self defense items, from a simple inexpensive magnetic window alarm to multi-functioning tasers. So get protected, save your life, and by all means stay safe. And if you have been a survivor of an attack, know that you can get the help. There are two organizations out there that can lend a helping hand.
NO MORE http://nomore.org/ and RAINN https://rainn.org/. I urge each and everyone that’s been affected to seek help, talk when you need to, sing your own praises, and by don’t give up on yourself