Highlighting Item of the Week
Here at Goddess Armor Protection I want to introduce everyone to various items that I carry in my inventory. Many time customers want to know everything about about an item before they invest their money. That’s understandable because their safety is at hand and we want them to feel safe with their purchase. On my […]
My Child is Safe or Are They

It’s Spring break, March Madness, sleep time for kids…… But it’s also time for parents/guardians to set up the game plan when it comes to knowing what’s going on the life of your child. You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be inserted in their life. What does inserted mean, it […]
where did my life end
Welcome to a glorious Sunday morning……. For someone it may not be a “glorious” day, it just might be a day that they have to endure because they feel they have no choice. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that life does get hard, things don’t always go planned. But I can also […]
Look At Me
Today is Day 3 Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and I wonder how many people have even taken notice? There is so much going on right underneath our noses and we continue to be oblivious to the obvious. Voices that we hear crying in the night are the cries echoing from hollow halls of fear. You […]