Day 11 Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Hello everyone, I want to share this posting from TRAFFICK911. TRAFFICK911 is an organization that steps up by educating the public on the dangers that are out there when it comes to HUMAN BEINGS being snatched up and made to work in the sex industry. I capitalized HUMAN BEINGS because sometimes as public turns a blind eye to what’s happening outside their front door. This women and men are taken at an early age and groomed to work in the sex industry. I a previous posting I mentioned that the victims often feel like they have no choice after they start working in the industry, which is why most end up staying and work in the industry well into adulthood. Remember they were once children, possible your child.
“Traffick911 exists to free youth from sex trafficking through prevention, rescue, & restoration. Our Prevention Team is active this weekend bringing prevention & awareness in Denton, Dallas, & Houston. Our Rescue Team is bringing prevention and rescue to youth in the juvenile justice system throughout central Texas. Join us as we make a difference in the lives of Texas youth:”
At Goddess Armor Protection I want every person out there to be safe and be aware of their surroundings. Here are a few items that I recommend for anyone, to include children. These aren’t pepper sprays, stun guns or tasers. These are simple items that can be carried in most places. Take a look at the items. Don’t wait until something happens before you take action. Get enrolled in a self-defense class and by all means LISTEN and TALK when someone tries to talk to you. What would you to see in a safety bundle pack for customers?
Written by Dora, Goddess Armor Protection GAP, April 2015,

3 In 1 130db Personal Alarm With Light