Season Changes
As the season changes into a wonderful Spring, we were also ushered into April the month Sexual Assault Awareness. Many people don’t want or like to talk about this crime but we should. When we know someone has been assaulted be a friend and lend an ear.
Highlighting Item of the Week
Here at Goddess Armor Protection I want to introduce everyone to various items that I carry in my inventory. Many time customers want to know everything about about an item before they invest their money. That’s understandable because their safety is at hand and we want them to feel safe with their purchase. On my […]
No Place To Go?
Hey there, it’s your Safety Goddess here asking what are your plans for the weekend of Jan 13-14 2018? Did you know that The Real Gun Show is going to at Bell County Expo Center, Belton TX this weekend SATURDAY 9AM-5PM SUNDAY 10AM-4PM Now most people assume that the only thing you can buy at […]
What Does Your Safetty Mean?
Why is it that you only think about your safety when something happens? Take bake your power now with self defense products sold by Goddess Armor Protection
what does consent mean
Take a look at this . What does it mean to you?
I want some pepper spray

How many times have wondered where can I purchase some pepper spray, and whose going to provide excellent customer follow up to you after the sale? Honestly, there are many other sites where you spend your money. But I guarantee when you shop with G.A. […]
the effects are long lasting
No one should have to endure the pain or effects of rape. Will you take a stance against all that’s wrong. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Listen, be a friend, and report rapes Goddess Armor Protection
Be Ready to Defend Yourself
Today, I want to share a video clip that I came across today. On a routine basis I talk with women about taking a self defense class.And often I hear women say they aren’t ready to take a class or they are real hesitant because they think they’re not in shape. There are many reasons […]
don’t put your hands on me
When was the last time you heard the word NO? When was the last time your life changed in a matter of minutes? Life is full of uncertainties, but one thing I can say without a shadow of doubt is Don’t Put Your Hands On Me……. because I’m coming back you. I’m by no means […]
Safety In Stilettos

He snatched out the car by my hair He punched me in the face I talked back I didn’t have dinner made I told him I didn’t want to have sex with him She got robbed at the gas station I went on a walk in the park I’m safe in my hotel room, but […]