Goddess Armor Protection

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Season Changes

As the season changes into a wonderful Spring, we were also ushered into April the month Sexual Assault Awareness. Many people don’t want or like to talk about this crime but we should. When we know someone has been assaulted be a friend and lend an ear.   https://goddessarmorprotection.shop/

Highlighting Item of the Week

Here at Goddess Armor Protection I want to introduce everyone to various items that I carry in my inventory. Many time customers want to know everything about about an item before they invest their money. That’s understandable because their safety is at hand and we want them to feel safe with their purchase. On my […]

the effects are long lasting

No one should have to endure the pain or effects of rape. Will you take a stance against all that’s wrong. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Listen, be a friend, and report rapes Goddess Armor Protection www.goddessarmorprotection.net

Do Pepper Sprays Work

Did you know Goddess Armor Protection is an independently owned business right here in the Ft Hood area. Selling tasers, stun guns and pepper sprays, and teaching self defense. Check out my latest article.PEPPER SPRAYS DO THEY WORK. I had a client tell me that pepper sprays don’t work and they were immuned to the […]

Goddess Armor Protection Anniversary Sale

Can you believe Goddess Armor Protection is a year old? From the I sought to bring the best training, and self defense/home defense products  to my clients. It’s been awesome to build a bushiness that seeks to help so many. So I want to pass this on to you with a great SALE. From now […]

where has your Goddess been

Hello everyone, I’ve out the loop for the past week or so. So where have I been you might say? I had the opportunity to attend the Ultimate Boot Camp in Miami, Florida and participate in the Commando Krav Maga SMART SAFE women’s instructor program. What an amazing experience to train, learn new techniques and […]

How are your parenting skills

So many times we take for granted that children know everything (that’s what tell us). But let’s not be fooled by the words that they speak or their actions. As parents/care givers you need to take the lead and show the child the path. If you don’t take the lead, trust and believe there’s some […]

No Victims It’s All About You

www.goddessarmorprotection.net It’s time for you to stand up and be accountable for actions. Will it be today? Take a look at my latest article with an attachment from the RAINN Foundation, as we get ready to enter into April. Helping someone, that’s been sexually assaulted is easier than you realize. By the time, you read […]

Stop the Sexual Exploitation

Day 11 Sexual Assault Awareness Month www.goddesssarmorprotection.net Hello everyone, I want to share this posting from TRAFFICK911. TRAFFICK911 is an organization that steps up by educating the public on the dangers that are out there when it comes to HUMAN BEINGS being snatched up and made to work in the sex industry. I capitalized HUMAN […]

Do Not Silence Me

Today is Day 4 of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and toady’s perspective  is slightly different because it brings up an unique perspective. Today I’m not going to write it myself. Today I want share an interesting article from the NO MORE organization. No matter how much we talk about sexual assault the violence that occurs […]

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