don’t put your hands on me
When was the last time you heard the word NO? When was the last time your life changed in a matter of minutes? Life is full of uncertainties, but one thing I can say without a shadow of doubt is Don’t Put Your Hands On Me……. because I’m coming back you. I’m by no means […]
My Child is Safe or Are They

It’s Spring break, March Madness, sleep time for kids…… But it’s also time for parents/guardians to set up the game plan when it comes to knowing what’s going on the life of your child. You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be inserted in their life. What does inserted mean, it […]
sexual assault justice delivered
While I’m not an advocate for everyone taking the law into their own hands, this is one of them rare cases. I remember when this case hit the news back in January. I thought I’d post it here to get your feedback.. I think justice was served. South Carolina man won’t be charged for beating […]
where did my life end
Welcome to a glorious Sunday morning……. For someone it may not be a “glorious” day, it just might be a day that they have to endure because they feel they have no choice. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that life does get hard, things don’t always go planned. But I can also […]
Women defend yourselves
Here’s a link about some pretty awesome women doing some pretty awesome things. They’re learning to defend themselves. And you can learn too. Get out there and get your concealed handgun license and stop playing around. Your life is just as important than someone else’s. Then when you do that get yourself an added layered […]
self defense is important
It’s never too late to become empowered as a woman. You should learn to protect yourself, it’s your life. It does matter what you look like, how much money you have, if you own a gun because guess what the attacker DOESN’T care. They are there to take your power from you. Don’t let them, […]
Do you know your attacker
Day 5 of Sexual Assault Awareness month- Do you know your attacker? Goddess Armor Protection- Imagine this you’re out with some friends, males and females. As the day or evening progresses someone in the group begins to become overly flirtatious to point where you become uncomfortable. You try and brush it off but things […]
No Self Defense Class
Over the past couple months I’ve talked to and listened to women as they begin to let me know why they might not need my services. Now before I tell you what they are, let me start be saying that I in NO WAY want to take away from any woman and how she feels […]