Season Changes
As the season changes into a wonderful Spring, we were also ushered into April the month Sexual Assault Awareness. Many people don’t want or like to talk about this crime but we should. When we know someone has been assaulted be a friend and lend an ear.
did you say VICTIM
How many times does a survivor/victim of domestic violence & sexual assault have to listen to you tell them “it’ll be fine”, “tell me again what happen”, “you should stay with him, he did apologize”, “you put some years in together”. When a victim speaks understand that their voice comes from a place of shame, […]
Women defend yourselves
Here’s a link about some pretty awesome women doing some pretty awesome things. They’re learning to defend themselves. And you can learn too. Get out there and get your concealed handgun license and stop playing around. Your life is just as important than someone else’s. Then when you do that get yourself an added layered […]
No rioting in the street, young ladies’ lives matter
It doesn’t get any easier when you see all the trash that’s happening in the world today. Black/White, Rich/Poor, but you know what you rarely ever see anyone in the streets crying or talking about it’s the injustices that happens EVERY single day when it comes to domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence and […]
Stop the Sexual Exploitation
Day 11 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Hello everyone, I want to share this posting from TRAFFICK911. TRAFFICK911 is an organization that steps up by educating the public on the dangers that are out there when it comes to HUMAN BEINGS being snatched up and made to work in the sex industry. I capitalized HUMAN […]
Ain’t No Lions and Tigers Here
When you go to the zoo you see all the cute panda beers, all elegant giraffes and maybe you’ll see all the colorful birds in the birds in the birdhouse. But if you look deeper into the green jungle you’ll see the snow leopards, the snakes and all of the other animals that make the zoo […]
A stupid stun gun
In today’s world there is much happening that people try and live their life in a bubble. Living in bubble maybe suitable for some, but for the majority of people that’s not possible. People sometime choose to live in fear because they feel there’s no other alternative. There’s always an alternative and that’s to TAKE […]