My Child is Safe or Are They

It’s Spring break, March Madness, sleep time for kids…… But it’s also time for parents/guardians to set up the game plan when it comes to knowing what’s going on the life of your child. You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be inserted in their life. What does inserted mean, it […]
Did you participate in the Black Friday Madness? Like many shoppers I’m sure you did. You trampled over one another in the big box stores at some ungodly hour. How did that make you feel, right after giving thanks for all everything that you were blessed with on Thanksgiving. Now that madness is hours over, […]
Do Pepper Sprays Work
Did you know Goddess Armor Protection is an independently owned business right here in the Ft Hood area. Selling tasers, stun guns and pepper sprays, and teaching self defense. Check out my latest article.PEPPER SPRAYS DO THEY WORK. I had a client tell me that pepper sprays don’t work and they were immuned to the […]
Goddess Armor Protection Anniversary Sale
Can you believe Goddess Armor Protection is a year old? From the I sought to bring the best training, and self defense/home defense products to my clients. It’s been awesome to build a bushiness that seeks to help so many. So I want to pass this on to you with a great SALE. From now […]
where has your Goddess been
Hello everyone, I’ve out the loop for the past week or so. So where have I been you might say? I had the opportunity to attend the Ultimate Boot Camp in Miami, Florida and participate in the Commando Krav Maga SMART SAFE women’s instructor program. What an amazing experience to train, learn new techniques and […]
can you believe it?
Central Texas Businesses FLASH SALE, FLASH SALE I’m pleased to announce that I will at Carl Levin Park at 0900 til 1000 in Harker Heights. I’m going to have a FLASH SUMMER SALE on all my self defense products. I’m having a 15% off a min purchase $15.00 SALE. You don’t have to be a […]
did you say VICTIM
How many times does a survivor/victim of domestic violence & sexual assault have to listen to you tell them “it’ll be fine”, “tell me again what happen”, “you should stay with him, he did apologize”, “you put some years in together”. When a victim speaks understand that their voice comes from a place of shame, […]
No rioting in the street, young ladies’ lives matter
It doesn’t get any easier when you see all the trash that’s happening in the world today. Black/White, Rich/Poor, but you know what you rarely ever see anyone in the streets crying or talking about it’s the injustices that happens EVERY single day when it comes to domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence and […]
How are your parenting skills
So many times we take for granted that children know everything (that’s what tell us). But let’s not be fooled by the words that they speak or their actions. As parents/care givers you need to take the lead and show the child the path. If you don’t take the lead, trust and believe there’s some […]
pack some power with the flashlight stun gun
Have you been looking for a stun gun that small enough to deliver the power you need but it’s not big and bulky? Well check out the Stun Master Mobile Charger Flashlight Stun Gun. This Stun Master is packed with 18 Million Volts of put down power, it’s made of high quality aircraft aluminum. Although it’s a stun […]